Daniela F.

Daniela F.

Responds within 1 hr, to 100% of messages
100% 1 hr
Accepts new students

Daniela F.

Accepts new students

Learn italian effortlessly

  • Offers online lessons
  • From  Fr 20
  • Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Price From Fr 20
Preferred times: mornings, midday, evenings, weekend
Tutoring subjects:


My name is Daniela, I am graduated in languages and have a Master's Degree in Business Economic Development. I speak English, French and Spanish fluently and have a wide experience in teaching Italian to students of all ages and levels (twenty years of experience). My accent is neutral ( this is very important for a teacher) and my lessons are never boring because they are always tailor -made according to the student's needs. I am a sunny, very patient and flexible teacher.

My teaching background:
Private teacher to students of all ages and levels (twenty years) Private Italian teacher of an important English manager working in a leading fashion company (2 years) Italian assistant in two French High Schools (1 year)

Lesson types


Fr 20 / 55 min